Speaker Series and events planned

The Metuchen Democratic Organization is looking to further engage its membership with Speaker Series and events. The first of these events will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 7 at Cai’s, 420 Main St., Metuchen, with Julie Roginsky, a liberal news pundit who frequently appears on the Fox News Network.

The event is entitled, “The 2016 Elections: Looking Back and Moving Forward.” Ms. Roginsky is a regular on “The Kelly File” with Megyn Kelly and is often “outnumbered” by her fellow conservative pundits on the show. Ms. Roginsky plans on speaking about her experience as a liberal pundit behind conservative lines and will be available to answer questions from attendees.

The 2016 election cycle has given a burst of energy to the Metuchen Democratic Organization which has worked hard to encourage democrats, young and old, about the importance of thinking locally to help impact broader changes nationally. The Organization is looking to help and organize with other local organizations to help continue activities and engagement beyond electoral cycles. Other upcoming activities include working with other local organizations, a sign-making party for the upcoming million women march in Washington, D.C., scheduled for Jan. 21, and more speaker events.

For more information about the Metuchen Democrats, visit their website and Facebook page.