Singing and ringing in the season: Cranbury tree lighting draws hundreds to town (with multiple photos)

By Vita Duva, Correspondent
There was no Grinch in sight.
Cranbury Township’s Christmas Tree Lighting went off without a hitch Dec. 2 as the tight-knit community gathered together in spirit of the holiday season.
The Woman’s Club of Cranbury sponsored the annual event in town, which primarily took place in Cranbury’s old firehouse and in Memorial Park.
Previous ceremonies have attracted several hundred residents, and this year was certainly no different.
“The Tree Lighting always brings out a very enthusiastic crowd,” Audrey Smith, trustee and past president of the Woman’s Club of Cranbury explained of the event. “You often see a lot of young families come out here, as well. It’s a real Cranbury tradition.”
Steeped in more than 60 years of tradition, the tree lighting and visit from Santa Claus was first started by the Cranbury Township Volunteer Fire Company. The annual event always takes place on the first Friday of December.
Local Girl Scouts and Brownies presented their “Santa’s Workshops“ once again in the new firehouse, prior to the kickoff of the rest of the evening’s events, and candy canes were given to all of the children in attendance.
The Woman’s Club of Cranbury passed out hot chocolate to event-goers, in hopes of fighting off this month’s winter chill.
Longtime Cranbury resident Dorothy Klotzbeacher – “Mrs. K“ as she is known by many town residents – led the evening’s traditional caroling, which was also accompanied by the brass choir of the First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury.
“Mrs. K. has led the Christmas caroling for many years, and she does a wonderful job,” Mrs. Smith said. “We’re fortunate to have her.”
“I have a horrible singing voice,” Cranbury Township Committee member, James “Jay” Taylor joked of his own singing performance. “But this is my third year singing with my family.”
Mr. Taylor, a 40-plus-year Cranbury staple, has been attending the Tree Lighting ever since he was a child growing up right here in town.
“To me and my family, this event rings in the Christmas season.” 