MONTGOMERY: Be a good neighbor and give new owners of 1860 House a chance

Heidi Mass, Skillman
I would like to comment on the neighbors who are “concerned” about the 24 Club buying the 1860 house.
I have lived in Skillman for over 20 years and drive by the house regularly. I was disappointed when the house closed after being a center for art and exhibitions. I found the comments made by neighbors to be very UN- neighborly and obviously a NIMBY attitude.
I have never heard of the 24 Club, but it seems to me that if there were any concerns about a rowdy group or “transient nature” of the people who are members that I would have seen something in the police blotter or some other report in the newspaper over the last 20 years. They are willing to invest a lot of money to renovate the building and that doesn’t sound problematic to me.
I looked at their website and why not see this as a place that in addition to its work with recovering alcoholics could be an asset to the community to use as a meeting place or birthday party or even a weekend art exhibit? Their rules include a statement regarding noise and not offending the neighbors. Their rates are very reasonable and you would be supporting a good cause.
Be a good neighbor and go visit them once the renovation is complete.
Heidi Mass