Sandy Hook camping and parking fees will not be raised


Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-Monmouth)  announced today, Dec. 22, that Sandy Hook will not be raising its camping and parking fees in 2017.

In August, Congressman Pallone sent a letter to the National Park Service Director, Jonathan B. Jarvis, urging the National Park Service (NPS) to withdraw its proposal to increase Sandy Hook’s fees.

At Pallone’s request, NPS held a public hearing on the fee increases, where New Jersey residents expressed their opposition.

“I am pleased that NPS listened to the voices of New Jerseyans and withdrew its proposal to increase fees,” said Pallone. “The proposed increase would have been an additional financial burden to the individuals and families who enjoy visiting Sandy Hook, and could potentially damage the local economy, which relies in part on tourism. We should be looking at ways to encourage more visitors to the parks, in turn helping the surrounding economies. I am confident that NPS’ decision will help keep Sandy Hook affordable for working families.”

In his letter to Jarvis, Pallone also requested a meeting with NPS to learn how the revenues from the increased fees will be used, while asking if these new revenues would be used exclusively to maintain and improve facilities at Sandy Hook.

For most vehicles, beach parking is currently $15 per day or $75 per season. For oversized vehicles (more than 20 feet), the charge is $30 per day or $150 per season. The new proposal would have placed fees at $20 per day and $100 per season, with $50 per day and $200 a season for oversized cars. This would have marked the second fee increase at the park in five years.

In 2012, Pallone successfully fought efforts to increase parking fees per vehicle from $10 to $20, and a season pass increase from $50 to $100. NPS compromised and cut the proposed fees by half, which is what the parking fees are today.