Ask the expert with Brie Gallo

Lisa T. from Jackson asks:
“My brother was just diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I have heard that your facility “specializes” in Neurological Impairment Disorders such as MS. I was wondering if you would be able to explain what is going to happen to my brother?”

Hi Lisa, first off I’d like to thank you for your question. Understanding an illness is key to accepting a diagnosis. Multiple Sclerosis is classified as an autoimmune disease. This means that “normally” your body’s immune system targets and fights off bacteria and viruses; however in a person diagnosed with MS, their body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissues including the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.

Multiple Sclerosis effects every individual differently so it is difficult to say exactly what symptoms your brother may develop, however, some of the common symptoms are fatigue, numbness or tingling, weakness, problems walking, spasticity, vision problems, bladder and bowel problems, and cognitive changes. It is important to note that MS does not always result in paralysis. Yes it is a possibility; however rest easy knowing that according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society most people that suffer from MS do not become severely disabled.

This said, it is very important to start therapies as soon as possible because the expression “if you don’t use it you lose it” reigns true for people with MS. It is important to strengthen your muscles as well as your brain to help combat this disease. We at Allaire rehab & nursing are lucky enough to be the only special care nursing facility in the state of New Jersey to offer our residents ages 18-50 years old these very therapies on a long term inpatient basis. Physical therapy, Occupational therapy, Speech therapy, and Cognitive therapy are all important when it comes to MS.

Every individual is different Lisa, and I would strongly encourage you and your family to talk with your brother’s doctor to find out what is best for him as well as resources available to him. If I can be of any assistance in this process for you please feel free to reach out to me anytime. Thank you again for your question Lisa!

Brie Gallo is the Director of Case Management and Physician Relations at Allaire Rehab & Nursing, located 115 Dutch Lane Road in Freehold. Call 732-431-7420 or visit