Blood drives scheduled Jan. 27, 28

New Jersey Blood Services, a division of New York Blood Center (NYBC), announces that it is conducting blood drives that are open to the public at St. Robert Bellarmine Church, 61 Georgia Rd., Freehold, from 2:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. on Jan. 27 and at Monmouth Mall, 180 State Route 35, Eatontown, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Jan. 28.

New Jersey Blood Services is asking for help to maintain an adequate supply of all blood types, but especially O-negative – the “universal” blood, which can be transfused into anyone in an emergency. In addition, hundreds of additional blood drives need to be scheduled to meet projected hospital demand. Current inventory of several blood types is running below the desired target level.

Any company, community organization, place of worship, or individual may host a blood drive. NYBC also offers special community service scholarships for students who organize community blood drives during summer months. Blood donors receive free mini-medical exams on site including information about their temperature, blood pressure and hematocrit level. Eligible donors include those people at least age 16 (with parental permission or consent), who weigh a minimum of 110 pounds, are in good health and meet all Food and Drug Administration and NY or NJ State Department of Health donor criteria. People over 75 may donate with a doctor’s note.

To donate blood or for information on how to organize a blood drive, call toll free at 1-800-933-2566 or visit