Millstone Township committee establishes salaries for 2017

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – The salaries of Millstone Township employees have been established for 2017

According to an ordinance adopted by the Township Committee, all municipal employees and officials who are not paid on an hourly basis receive a minimum salary of $1,000, with the exception of the mayor and Township Committee members, who do not have a minimum salary specified.

  • The mayor will have a salary of $7,321 in 2017, which is the maximum salary for that position.
  • Township Committee members will have a salary of $7,112 in 2017, which is the maximum salary for that position.
  • The township administrator will have a salary of $42,282 in 2017. The maximum salary for the position is $45,000.
  • The municipal clerk/assessment clerk will have a salary of $89,849 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $92,000.
  • The certified municipal financial officer will have a salary of $71,626 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $75,000.
  • The treasurer will have a salary of $48,484 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $50,000.
  • The tax collector/search officer will have a salary of $62,483 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $65,000.
  • The tax assessor will have a salary of $66,130 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $70,000.
  • The land use administrator will have a salary of $57,524 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $59,000.
  • The building inspector will have a salary of $80,022 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $83,000.
  • The court administrator will have a salary of $64,849 in 2017. The maximum salary for that position is $66,000.

In other business that was completed in December, committee members passed a resolution authorizing the execution of an interlocal services agreement among Millstone Township, Freehold Township, Manalapan and Freehold Borough for regional animal control.

According to the resolution, Manalapan is the lead agency for regional animal control and will prepare the agreement. The 2017 contract will succeed the contract that expired at the end of 2016.

Finally, the committee passed a resolution establishing its schedule of meetings for 2017. Regular official meetings in 2017 will continue to be held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 8 p.m, with the exception of November, when the only meeting will be held on the first Wednesday. Meetings are held in the municipal court building at 215 Millstone Road and are open to the public.

If a scheduled meeting falls on a federal or state legal holiday, the meeting will be held on the following day at the same time and place, according to the resolution.