No need, no support for PennEast pipeline

To the editor:, I was driving home from work the other day when I passed one of the numerous “Stop PennEast” yard signs that you see all over town nowadays. I nodded in acknowledgement when I was struck by a thought “Who do I know actually supports the PennEast Pipeline project?”, All of my family, friends, neighbors, my congregation at church, everyone I know is upset by this pipeline. We receive mailings all the time from PennEast promising jobs, even though these will be temporary; I read that the pipeline would only create 10 permanent jobs. The mailers talk about the community’s support for the project (there’s none!) and I struggle to understand how PennEast justifies this strategy. We’re not gullible. No one wants this pipeline — every town along the route has passed resolutions against it, and more than 9,000 citizens even signed a petition against it., There’s no need for this pipeline, there’s no support for it and there’s certainly no one that is buying into PennEast’s insulting marketing. But, there are a lot of terrified citizens, who are worried about our environment, homes, children’s schools, and communities; and the fact that, PennEast would be the highest pressure pipeline in the state of New Jersey, bringing along with it a larger blast zone, seriously endangering the many schools and homes it runs so close to., PennEast, we’re sick of your mailings, and we’re sick of your lies. Please just do us all a favor and go away., Edward J. Kelly, Lambertville