Dearborn Market to host annual orchid show, Feb. 9-12

Deep Cut Orchid Society’s 20th annual show will feature thousands of spectacularly colorful flowers and brighten cold winter days.

The largest show in the tri-state area will be held from Feb. 9 through Feb. 12 at  Dearborn Market, Route 35, Holmdel. Exhibit hours are 1-6 p.m. Feb. 9; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 10-11; and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Feb. 12, according to a press release.

On Feb. 11-12, experts will present free lectures about various species and offer tips to successfully growing orchids.

The Feb. 11 lectures will be:

• 10:30 a.m., Susan Gange, Stony Brook Orchids, Phalenopsis Culture

• 2 p.m. Jonathan Grimm, Deep Cut Orchid Society, Growing Orchids in the Home

• 3:30 p.m. Faye Arnett, Deep Cut Orchid Society, Orchids for the Novice Grower

The Feb. 12 lectures will be:

• 10:30 a.m. Bill Bodei, Deep Cut Orchid Society, Repotting Orchids

• 2 p.m. Tony Silva, Silva Orchids, Advanced Orchids Culture

• 3 p.m. Peter Lytell, Deep Cut Orchid Society, Minature Orchids

There will be exhibits from orchid clubs in the mid-Atlantic area and vendors from across the United States. Certified American Orchid Society judges will award prizes to the best exhibits and flowers, according to the press release.

Admission and parking are free. Lunch is available in Dearborn Market’s 11,000-square-foot garden center, where the orchids will be shown.

Deep Cut Orchid Society President Deborah Bodei said, “In the middle of winter, you walk into the exhibit and the intoxicating smell and an exotic tropical feel helps you deal with winter blues. Paradise is also being surrounded by friendly people.”

Helen Kroh, show chair, has collected orchids for decades. She said, “When plant nurseries are closed for the winter and I need a green ‘fix,’ I am thankful for my orchids. They are the perfect house plant. Many species bloom in the dead of winter. ”

Special group tours can be arranged by calling Carol Abaya at 732-536-6215.

Deep Cut meets the second Tuesday of every month at the Monmouth Reform Temple, Tinton Falls, at 7:30 p.m. Every meeting has a speaker, a show table and refreshments. Meetings are open to the public at no cost. For more information call Carol Abaya at 732-536-6215.