Local resident curates fiber-art exhibition

Fiber artist Kevan Lunney of East Brunswick, who has designed and organized shows for the fiber-art group Fiber Revolution and the Academy of Music in Spotswood, recently curated “Repair and Connect: Rejuvenating Work in Fiber and Cloth,” an art show planned for Jan. 20-March 22 at Capital Health Medical Center-Hopewell.

The Investor’s Bank Art and Healing Gallery at the Hospital, One Capital Way, Pennington, will host a free opening reception 6-7:30 p.m. Jan. 26 featuring “artful” music by Daniel Trent on guitar and Karttikeya on handpan.

Participating artists will display pieces using many different fiber-art techniques including sculpture, quilting, weaving and handmade paper. Lunney will premiere her new work in fiber and neon light.

Four works from Combat Paper of New Jersey, a veterans organization that connects and heals veterans through making handmade paper with the fibers from cut-up United States military uniforms, will be on display.

Each work in the show will feature a corresponding artist’s story involving repair, healing and rejuvenation.

For more information, log on to www.kevanart.com.