New Hope Baptist Church to hold MLK celebration


The New Hope Baptist Church presents the 18th annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration at the New Hope Baptist Church, 45 Hampton St., Metuchen, 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 15.

This year’s theme is “Loving Your Enemies” which is the title of a sermon preached by King on Nov. 17, 1957. Although King’s enemies attempted numerous times to silence his prophetic words and still his marching feet, he maintained the spiritual discipline to love his enemies, bless those that cursed him, do good to those who hated him and pray for them who spitefully used and persecuted him.  The event will be led by the Metuchen-Edison Area Interfaith Clergy Association.

The event will feature choir selections, youth and special presentations, including a tribute to Muhammad Ali, and local high school senior scholarship awards.  Light refreshments will be served following the service. For further information, call 732-589-3536 or 732-549-8941.