Eric Sucar

Polar Plunge benefit set for Jan. 28

The Rotary Club of Asbury Park will present the ninth annual Polar Plunge on Jan. 28 to benefit Mary’s Place by the Sea and Rotary Eye Rescue.

This year the Polar Plunge will be headquartered at the the Berkeley Oceanfront Bar and Restaurant. The Polar Plunge will take place immediately north of Convention Hall. Registration will take place from 9:30-10:30 a.m. or online at

In past years, Rotarians have had to shovel the beach to make a path for plungers and one year it was even postponed because the temperature was below 10 degrees. Participants who raise funds will be awarded prizes commensurate with the amount contributed and corporate and business sponsors are welcomed.

The Rotary Club of Asbury Park has restored sight to many people awaiting corneal transplants who would not be able to afford them. New research is developing that will allow genetic intervention that will allow money raised to go even farther, allowing more people to see again. The other recipient, Mary’s Place by the Sea has just opened a new facility in Ocean Grove that provides respite and services to women who have cancer. They have been recognized repeatedly for the their cause and testimonials by both charities have touched many people.

All plungers will receive a commemorative t-shirt. For adults who participate, the cost is $25. Under 18, the cost is $15. The Plunge is a fun event for all ages and well over $100,000 has been raised since its inception. The Rotary Club of Asbury Park Foundation is a 501(c) 3 and all donations are tax exempt.

For more information, contact Traudy Grande, at 732-531-4111 or [email protected].