All-black Labrador mix missing in East Brunswick


EAST BRUNSWICK – Claire, a 2-year-old all-black Labrador mix, was recently rescued and transported from North Carolina to an adopter in East Brunswick. She broke loose wearing a black harness and trailing a lime green leash on Dec. 29. She was spotted in the areas of Ainsworth Avenue, Tices Lane, Alvin Court, Harts Lane and Farms Road Circle in East Brunswick between Dec. 29-30.

Claire is unfamiliar with the New Jersey area, very timid with people and gentle. She also is in need of medication.

If seen, do not chase her. Report any sightings by texting or calling 914-438-7705 with the day and date, time, exact location, if the leash is still attached and whether any injuries are noticeable. Once Claire is sighted, a professional tracker will be deployed to the area.