Former member joins South Brunswick Board of Education

Staff Writer

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – The South Brunswick Board of Education has filled a seat left vacant during the 2016 election season.

Former board Member Martin Abschutz officially joined the school board during its reorganization meeting on Jan. 9.

Abschutz, Prashant Joshi, Joyce Mehta, 2016 candidate Laszlo Nyitrai Jr., 2016 candidate Anil Patel and Sabuha Qureshi-Din had filed petitions to fill the seat of Lisa Rodgers, who received the second highest votes during the school board election despite withdrawing her name less than two weeks prior to Nov. 8.

Abschutz previously served on the school board for nine years until 2011, at which point he decided not to run for reelection. In June 2012, he was chosen to fill the seat of a board member who announced she was stepping down; he held that seat for the remainder of her term, only until January 2013.

He will now serve for one year with the unfulfilled term posted on the next ballot as a two-year term.

Contact Jennifer Amato at [email protected].