St. Ambrose School children keep busy with community projects

Our St. Ambrose Mini Vinnies group (an elementary school division of the St. Vincent de Paul Society) had a very busy Christmas season.

The students  began by making hundreds of Advent tree tags for our parish gift giving project. In early December they responded to a request for socks by collecting 311 pairs of new socks plus gloves and hats. Next, 110 packets of hot chocolate were collected from our generous school families and used to make “snowman soup” which consists of hot chocolate, mini marshmallows and a candy cane.

On Dec. 10, these made Christmas just a little warmer for some local folks. Currently, the Mini Vinnies are helping out by “plarning,” which involves crocheting plastic into mats and yarn into beautiful blankets. These will be distributed to homeless shelters and animal shelters in the area. We are proud of the work our young Mini Vinnies do year round.