HILLSBOROUGH: School board selects Gillette as president, Centofanti as VP

By Andrew Martins, Managing Editor
The new year brought some changes to the Hillsborough Township Board of Education on Monday, as its members selected Gregory Gillette and Deena Centofanti to serve as their board president and vice president., The selections were made during the board’s 2017 reorganization meeting, during which Mr. Gillette, Thomas Kinst and Jean Trujillo were also sworn in to the board following their wins at the polls on Nov. 8., According to the Somerset County Board of Elections, Ms. Trujillo garnered approximately 30 percent of the vote back in November, with 8,693 votes, while her new colleagues Mr. Kinst and Mr. Gillette earned 7,508 votes and 6,732 votes, respectively., “I’m just very excited to join the board and work to improve the district,” Ms. Trujillo said. “It’s all about the kids – that’s my main focus.”, As a new school board member, Ms. Trujillo said she attended a two-day crash course provided by the state on how to effectively serve as a school board member., “It’s been a learning experience but I’ve been learning from the other side too,” she said. “I really think that we need more community members to be involved in the policy making.”, Former board member Debashis “Dev” Dutta was edged out in the polls with 5,237 votes after a single term., Mr. Kinst, who began his third consecutive three-year term on the board, congratulated Mr. Gillette on his selection as the new school board president, having personally held the title for the last four years., “Mr. Gillette has my full confidence,” Mr. Kinst said. “He has been a dedicated board member and has vast experience and a long tenure with service on multiple committees.”, Over the years, Mr. Gillette has served publicly on other township boards and commissions, including the Historic Preservation Commission, The Cultural Arts Commission, The Hillsborough-Millstone Municipal Alliance and the Board of Ethics. He is also a past chairman of Central New Jersey Walk Now for Autism Speaks and a Girl Scout volunteer., This year marks the beginning of Mr. Gillette’s fourth consecutive term on the board., Marking the end of Mr. Kinst’s leadership on the board, Superintendent Dr. Jorden Schiff said he was proud of the effort that the former school board president put forward for the district., “Thom’s stewardship of Hillsborough Township Public Schools has been characterized by forward thinking ideas, strategic planning and fiscal responsibility, with open and comprehensive approaches to the successes, challenges and issues within the district,” Dr. Schiff said. “By all measures, we have moved forward as a district and we will continue to do so in the coming years.”, Mr. Kinst said he has been able to get an understanding for Mr. Gillette’s commitment to the school district over the years and was pleased to consider him for the school board president position., “(Mr. Gillette) has been an advocate for students, staff and district and he has exhibited values that are consistent with our community,” he said., Following an unanimous approval by the board, Mr. Gillette said he looked forward to the year ahead., “I hope to carry on the good job that Mr. Kinst has done for the last four years,” he said., Along with the changes to the board, officials approved a number of committee appointments made by Mr. Gillette., According to the district, Board member Steven Cohen will serve as the township liaison, Board member Jennifer Haley will serve as the legislative representative and Ms. Trujillo will serve on the township’s municipal alliance. Board member Judith Haas was appointed to the Somerset County Education Services Commission., Mr. Gillette will serve on the Garden State Coalition of Schools and will be joined by Mr. Kinst and Ms. Centofanti on the board’s negotiations committee.