Eric Sucar

Afternoon of jazz slated in Lincroft

LINCROFT — Jazz pianist Michael “Spike” Wilner will perform from 3-5 p.m. on Jan. 29 at Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Monmouth County (UUCMC), 1475 W. Front St.

UUCMC’s Dialog Conveners Committee is sponsoring this free jazz performance and invites the general public to come to the Earth Room and enjoy this special afternoon of music, stories and a shared appreciation for the arts.

Wilner is a well-known New York jazz pianist who manages Smalls Jazz Club and performs there regularly with the Spike Wilner Trio. He will play improvisational jazz, chat with the audience about the tunes shared that evening and share stories about the New York jazz scene past and present. To view a past performance of the Spike Wilner Trio, visit

For more information, contact UUCMC at 732-747-0707 or visit