Displaced homemakers informational workshop slated

Laurie Salka, program administrator for Displaced Homemakers Services at Brookdale Community College, will offer a Displaced Homemakers Workshop at 11 a.m. on Feb. 6 at Long Branch Concordance Family Success Center, 300 Broadway, rear entrance, Long Branch.

The  program offers free, confidential, holistic services customized to each individual to help them reach their full potential. The program offers an opportunity for organizations, case managers and families alike. Coffee, tea, cakes and fresh fruit will be served.

The mission of Displaced Homemakers Services at Brookdale Community College is to assist displaced homemakers in achieving their goals of emotional and financial self-sufficiency. They help women become empowered to make their own decisions, and upgrade and/or obtain skills to support themselves and their families.

Please RSVP no later than Feb. 3. Registration is required. Call 732-571-1670 to register.

For more information on programs and services and to view the monthly calendar of events, visit www.lbc4help.org.