HILLSBOROUGH: ‘Obamacare’ repeal & replace is poor governance

To the editor:, I credit Rep. Tom MacArthur having the courage to govern by voting against the repeal of ACA without a replacement. Unfortunately Rep. Leonard Lance did demonstrate equal courage., There are budget risks for our Federal and State governments; here are some examples:, A forecast of a $350B deficit due to the repeal without a replacement by the end of the decade has been made by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget., NJ Policy Perspective has identified a $3B loss of Medicaid funds to NJ. The repeal also means a loss of 75% of the funding for Gov. Christie’s 2017 anti-substance abuse proposal., It’s disconcerting a fiscal conservative like Leonard Lance is willing to speculate a replacement for ACA will follow. I had hoped he would have more sensibly governed., Mike Cullinane, Hillsborough