HILLSBOROUGH: Trump’s inaugural address missed the mark

To the editor:, Trump’s inaugural screed left no institution without insult, but his description of our public schools was even worse than what we’ve become accustomed to from our own Imperial Immensity who has vilified educators for the past 7 years while starving our schools of needed funds. Trump doesn’t see things this way as he described “ an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge” Again, I’ve grown used to attacks from our Royal Rotundity, but this is the president of the United States talking! Is this the way to attract the best and brightest to the education profession? Who would sign on for a middling salary at best in order to join one of the few pursuits actually worth doing, but not respected by our top politicians?, I have been reading about Hillsborough’s school buildings having climate problems and Princeton Public Schools dealing with losing funds to charter schools. This doesn’t sound like “flush with cash” to me., Trump’s nominee for education Secretary, Betsy DeVos is an avowed opponent of public schools and seems to want to privatize them as much as possible. Public schools are what have made America. What reason do Republicans have for attacking them? Do they see an opportunity for profits? Do they think a quality education should only be available to those who can afford it?, I loved my 39 years in public education, but would have to engage a young person considering this profession in a long conversation before feeling comfortable that they’ve made an informed choice., Its going to be a tough 4 years!, James Ruocco, Hillsborough