Kendall Park senior is the ‘bass’ of championship barbershop quartet

SOUTH BRUNSWICK – Party of Five, a barbershop quartet from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, defeated 23 other groups to capture the gold medal in the International Seniors Quartet Contest.

Bass singer Jeff Winik of the Kendall Park section of South Brunswick celebrated his second international victory in San Antonio, Texas, on Jan. 21, in the Barbershop Harmony Society-sponsored competition.

Singing “What’ll I Do?” and “Anytime,” Winik, tenor Dane Marble of Hackensack, baritone Ross Trube of East Windsor and lead Brad Books of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, passed two quartets who the previous year had tied for second place, according to a statement provided about the competition.

The group secured 1,355 points, or a 75.27 percent average, narrowly passing the second place quartet, Spotlight, from Ohio, who achieved 1,353 points.

Men competing in the seniors division must be age 55 or older, and the quartet’s cumulative age must be 240 or greater.

Winik previously captured the title as he sang with Faces 4 Radio Quartet in 2014.