Milltown plans consolidation of municipal departments

Staff Writer

MILLTOWN — With the relocation of the electric substation completed, another major project — moving the borough Public Works/Utilities departments and Fire Department into one central location — is on the horizon.

The new complex will be located at 50 Washington Ave., the former Susan Hutton site.

“Working in cooperation with [the Office of Emergency Management and the mayor’s office] and the Borough Council, approvals have been granted for the demolition, as well as the building and site design aspects of this project,” Mayor Eric Steeber said. “We anticipate completion of the new complex during calendar year 2017.”

The mayor said while the project is a major undertaking financially for the borough, officials are working very closely with the borough’s contracted professionals in order to deliver the most cost-effective complex possible for municipal taxpayers.

“The completion of this project will also benefit the borough greatly in that we will be eliminating the hazard of having our current Public Works garage being flooded again, along with the consolidation of our two current fire stations into one central fire station,” he said.

The mayor’s office has worked with the Middlesex County Office of Emergency Management to have the project listed as a priority flood mitigation project in the county, which should make additional funding available to the borough for the construction of the much-needed complex, officials said.

Contact Kathy Chang at [email protected].