Grateful for Grillo’s dedication, expertise, hard work

This letter is in response to the article in the Jan. 8 issue of the Suburban regarding Borough Councilman Steven Grillo’s removal from the Sayreville Planning Board and the Sayreville Economic and Redevelopment Agency (SERA).

The residents of the Morgan section of Sayreville have been watching the area around our neighborhood deteriorate for some time now. The recent demolition of the Club Bene site and the construction of the Bluffs at Morgan are welcome improvements, but we’ve still got a long way to go. Empty business and blighted properties along Route 35 remain a serious problem to this day. Along with being eyesores, the old Stewart’s Root Beer and Covello’s sites are potential hazards.

In September 2016 Councilman Grillo took notice of our little section of Sayreville. He realized the untapped potential in our little part of the borough and arranged a town hall meeting for the residents and business owners of Morgan. The town’s elected officials were invited, and at this meeting, Morgan was finally given a voice.

Since that gathering, our neighborhood is showing progress. The Morgan Community Alliance was formed, and we’ve come together for regular meetings. We’ve made a commitment to work toward continued improvements to our area, enhancing the quality of life for our residents and business owners.

Morgan’s got a long way to go, but we couldn’t have done it without the help of Councilman Grillo. His experience in planning and willingness to share his knowledge has helped us realize that we can return historic Morgan back to that beautiful community by the sea. With his help, and the continued help of the Borough Council, we hope to see Morgan’s splendor restored and its great history preserved for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Councilman Steve Grillo helped start Morgan on its way, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the hard work, dedication and expertise he has so generously donated toward the continued improvement of our neighborhood. As our little section of Sayreville continues to improve and grow, the entire town of Sayreville will benefit.


Judy McCrone

The Morgan Community Alliance

Morgan section of Sayreville