OceanFirst Bank unveils Senior Crimestoppers charter program

The OceanFirst Bank sponsored Senior Crimestoppers Charter Presentation will be held at 2:15 p.m. on Feb. 7 at the Holiday Care Center, 4 Plaza Drive, Toms River. By recently joining CRA Partners, OceanFirst Bank is helping protect those seniors by funding a Senior Crimestoppers program.

Senior Crimestoppers is a coordinated set of components that work in unison to create a zero tolerance of crime platform within senior housing facilities. Components include cash rewards up to $1,000 paid anonymously for information about wrongdoing of any kind, personal lockboxes for the residents and effective, on-going education and training for staff members and residents. Senior Crimestoppers has reduced all aspects of crime by 94% in participating facilities.

CRA Partners, powered by the Senior Housing Crime Prevention Foundation, is a national organization that guarantees banks federally mandated CRA credit through the operation of the turn-key Senior Crimestoppers program providing safe and secure living environments for our nation’s low to moderate income seniors. Through flexible funding options such as CRA-qualified community development loans, investments or grants, banks provide the program in senior housing facilities, HUD communities and state Veterans homes while garnering positive public relations exposure in their communities.

For more information about Senior Crimestoppers, contact Terry Rooker at 800-529-9096 or visit www.SeniorCrimestoppers.org. For OceanFirst Bank information, visit oceanfirst.com or call 888-623-2633.