Dogs running loose are concern to resident

I am writing about an issue involving dog owners in my Marlboro neighborhood. As an owner myself, I take serious responsibility and measures to ensure the safety of my pet as well as others he may encounter.

I do not believe in leaving my dog unleashed upon my property unless he is behind our fence.

Unfortunately, I find that many dog owners in my development feel comfortable letting their dogs roam freely and unleashed on their property. They believe their pet will listen to their commands to heel and stay no matter what the circumstances may be.

These owners are too overly confident in trusting that they have total control of their pet rather than realizing a dog is an unpredictable creature who can be tempted to chase or attack anything when curious or threatened. Most often I have seen the surprised look and fear on these owners’ faces when they suddenly lose that control.

As a citizen of this community, I believe I have a right to walk my dog on the public sidewalks and streets without having to feel fearful of being attacked or rushed at by an unleashed dog. For some time now I find that I cannot even go for a leisurely stroll with my dog without encountering an incident at least once or twice a week.

It is pretty disheartening to have to strategically plan where, when and how to walk my dog just to avoid passing known areas where an incident may occur.

Furthermore, most of these dogs are bigger than my dog and it is quite terrifying having to protect the both of us. Now my dog has become so threatened by these larger dogs that he has developed a habit of snarling and rushing at any dog that tries to run up to him.

I have made several complaints to Animal Control, but I was told that as long as the dog is on their owner’s property there is nothing they can do unless they catch them off the property. Sadly, that would be difficult since all these incidents are sudden and are over quickly, well before Animal Control can see it.

I wish dog owners would be more conscientious and responsible rather than so lax with their pet. Wouldn’t it be best to prevent something irreparable from happening rather than wondering in hindsight how it could have been prevented?

Dolores Catalano