Rebecca Nowalski

Forum on Vietnam era slated for March

HOLMDEL — The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation will hold the interdisciplinary forum, “For Them It Isn’t Over: Our Vietnamese Allies Post War and in America,” from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on March 25 at the Vietnam Era Museum and Educational Center.

The forum will provide scholarly and experience-based educational tools for developing comparisons between the past and present. Each panel will include individuals who will share their own experiences and knowledge. This will be an opportunity to delve deeper into each topic and allow time for questions and answers.

The Vietnam Era Museum and Educational Center is a registered New Jersey Professional Development provider. Attendance at this forum will provide five hours toward the Professional Development requirement.

Sessions will include:

  • “Brothers in Arms” — A panel of Vietnamese allies who served alongside American troops in Vietnam will speak.
  • “The War at Home and Transition to America” — Listen to the wives of allies and the struggles they faced during and post war in Vietnam and in America. In addition, the scholarship winner from last year will speak.
  • “Cultural Roundtable” — Experience Vietnamese culture with a fashion show, food, art, music and dance.
  • “Classroom Connections” — Learn how to bring history into the classroom with three breakout sessions on “Memorial and Art,” “Memoirs as Primary Sources” and “Parallels between the Current Crisis in Syria.”

The cost is $50 for members and $60 for nonmembers before Feb. 25. After that date, the cost will be $70. To attend, fill out a registration form at For more information, call 732-335-0033.