Millstone drainage repairs slated

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – An excavation company has received a contract from the Township Committee to improve the drainage on two Millstone Township streets.

On Jan. 18, committee members passed a resolution awarding a $29,650 contract to All Ways Trucking and Excavating for drainage improvements on Crest Circle Drive and Perrine Circle.

According to the resolution, quoted prices for the improvements were accepted by Township Engineer Matt Shafai on Dec. 22. Glenside Equipment Co. submitted a quoted price of $67,900, KTK Construction submitted a quoted price of $47,360 and All Ways Trucking and Excavating submitted a quoted price of $29,650.

Because All Ways Trucking and Excavating submitted the lowest quoted price, Shafai recommended that the company be awarded the contract, according to the resolution.

Municipal officials said the work on Crest Circle Drive will consist of repairing a sinkhole that was caused by a collapsed drainage pipe in Millstone’s drainage easement and constructing a new outfall pipe.

The work on Perrine Circle will consist of removing trees, silt and sediment that has built up from a detention basin, repairing the outlet structure and regrading the topsoil and seed, according to township officials.

In other business, committee members passed a resolution executing a shared services agreement with neighboring Roosevelt for a certified recycling services coordinator.

According to the resolution, Millstone will provide a certified recycling services coordinator to Roosevelt at a cost that will not exceed $200 annually.

Deputy Mayor Fiore Masci and committee members Nancy Grbelja and Bob Kinsey voted in favor of the resolutions. Mayor Michael Kuczinski and Committeeman Gary Dorfman were absent.