Freehold basketball tournament memorializes South Brunswick teen

The Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold will hold its annual Kylie Pinheiro Memorial Hot Shot Basketball Tournament on Feb. 26 at the YMCA of Western Monmouth County, 470 E. Freehold Road, Freehold, in honor of the South Brunswick resident who was killed in a drunk driving crash at age 18 in 2007.

The event, open to girls and boys in grades 4-9, will start at noon for girls of all grade levels; at 1 p.m. for boys in grades 4 and 5; at 1:45 p.m. for boys in grades 6 and 7; and at 2:45 p.m. for boys in grades 8 and 9.

The fee is $5 per entrant, payable to Sunrise Optimist Foundation of Freehold, Sunrise Optimist Club, P.O. Box 351, Adelphia, NJ 07710. The deadline to register is Feb. 24.

All participants will receive a free Hot Shot T-shirt, and first-, second- and third-place winners will receive trophies for their respective achievement levels.

The Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold meets at 7 a.m. every Friday at Perkins Restaurant, 3445 Route 9, Freehold.

For more information on the tournament, call Scott at 732-754-8865.

For more information on the Sunrise Optimist Club of Freehold, visit