Children excited by author’s visit to Millstone school

By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – Children in Millstone Township recently had a chance to meet the author of a book they had read.

On Feb. 7, author David Lubar visited the Millstone Township Elementary School. The event was organized by reading specialists Colleen Henkin and Nicole Filippone and funded by the Millstone Township PTO.

Lubar’s visit was part of the One Book, One School program which was created by the nonprofit organization Read to Them. As part of the program, every child is assigned to read the same book.

The book that was selected was Lubar’s story “Punished!”

In the book, a student is put under a spell that forces him to speak only in puns until he collects examples of oxymorons, anagrams and palindromes.

“Punished!” provides children with opportunities to learn about language, according to Henkin.

She said Lubar participated in assemblies and explained how he comes up with the ideas for his books. He gave the pupils insight into how to begin their writing in order to hold the attention of readers. The children had a chance to ask the author questions.

Lubar signed more than 200 copies of his books and met with several classes in the school library. Six pupils from the fifth grade met Lubar and had their books personally dedicated and autographed by the author.

“The excitement of seeing and talking with an author is sure to leave a lasting impression on the readers and writers of Millstone Township Elementary School,” Henkin said. “The students and staff would like to thank our PTO for making this amazing experience possible.”