Collier Youth Services celebrates 90 years of service to youths

MARLBORO – Collier Youth Services, a nonprofit organization that empowers at-risk youths to grow toward their potential in an environment of belonging, dignity and hope, kicked off its 90th anniversary with a Celebration Mass sponsored by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, according to a press release.

Hundreds of supporters, current and former youths served, and past and present staff members came out to celebrate Collier Youth Services at the Church of St. Gabriel in Marlboro on Jan. 28.

Sister Joanne Dress, Director of Catholic Social Services for the Diocese of Trenton, opened the mass by sharing the words of Bishop David M. O’Connell, who applauded Collier’s 90-year commitment in the community, according to the press release.

Celebrant the Rev. Eugene Roberts, pastor of St. Gabriel’s, was joined by concelebrants the Rev. Ronald Cioffi, the Rev. Joy Chacko, the Rev. Tony Carotenuto, the Rev. Jim Conover, the Rev. John Hamrogue and the Rev. Garry Koch.

The mass and celebration commemorated Sister of the Good Shepherd foundress St. Mary Euphrasia and Sarah Van Allen Collier – the two individuals credited for the formation of Collier Youth Services, according to the press release.

The gift of land from Collier paved the way for the Sisters of the Good Shepherd to begin a program for youths in need in the Wickatunk section of Marlboro. The agency now serves more than 500 at-risk children each year in its school and in its residential and summer camp programs.

After the mass, John Curley, deputy director of the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, commended Collier Youth Services for 90 years of striving to meet the needs of local youths, according to the press release.

Sister Debbie Drago, executive director at Collier, said, “We are so grateful to all who have supported and continue to support the mission of Collier. We are surrounded by a tremendous community of people willing to invest their time, talent and treasure to open the path for a brighter future for our young people.”

Collier will continue its celebration year with a gala on June 8 and a golf and tennis outing on Oct. 2. The agency operates Collier High School, Collier Middle School, Collier Group Home, Collier House, Kateri Day Camp and Caramore Farm.