Library to offer health, wellness programs

The Old Bridge Public Library will sponsor several upcoming health-and-wellness programs at the library main branch, Route 516 and Cottrell Road.

“The Skinny on Weight Loss: Why Some People Can and Can’t Lose Weight” is planned for 7 p.m. Feb. 16. Dr. Ken Freedman of Freedman Chiropractic Center, East Brunswick, will examine why some people lose weight with little effort while others struggle for years. The interactive program will discuss the key factors that can sabotage weight-loss efforts.

A program titled “How Much Sugar Are You Really Eating?” is set for 7 p.m. Feb. 22. Jeanette Kimszal, a registered dietitian nutritionist, will speak on the hidden harmful sugars in foods and provide insights on making healthier dietary choices.

The library will present “Reiki Healing” 7 p.m. Feb. 23. Reiki is an ancient technique for relaxation and stress relief. Heidi Scanlon, certified reiki master, will lead the session and explain reiki therapy and how it strives to reduce stress and tension, support the immune system and create deep relaxation, all through the energy of light touch.

For more information on all events, log on to or call 732-721-5600, ext. 5033.