Resident wants to hear congressman’s views

I have called and emailed repeatedly for one simple bit of information. I am a constituent of Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) and I would like to know his schedule of town hall meetings during the recess week of Feb. 20 and beyond.

I note that he is scheduled to speak at a conference for Catholic men costing $25 per person on Feb. 25 at a Catholic church in the district. I am not male or Catholic and it does not seem like I should have to pay $25 to speak with my congressman.

Congressman Smith spoke at the National Right to Life March in Washington, D.C., last month, so it does not seem he is too shy to speak in public.

Is it true that Congressman Smith has not held a town hall meeting in the district since 1991? There has been nothing on his Facebook page, website or Twitter feed about his position on any of the issues swirling around Washington, D.C., or his schedule of public meetings.

When I call the offices of my state legislators, they always know the position their leaders have taken on an issue and if not, someone calls me back.

The exact opposite seems to be true with Congressman Smith’s office. No one ever knows what Congressman Smith’s position is on anything, including matters on which he has already cast a vote. They never know his schedule in the district and his local offices never know any of those things either.

I would very much like to hear his position on the Affordable Care Act. There has not been a word on any of his communications or social media outlets.

I can only assume Congressman Smith is intent on dismantling the Affordable Care Act with no replacement, as his votes on the matter so far have suggested – the first being to take young adults off their parents’ policies. My life and the lives of my family depend on the act.

Ellen Harvey