Congressman’s staff has been helpful

In answer to Joan Leimbach’s question – “Has anyone seen my congressman, Chris Smith? – in her recent letter to the editor, “Resident Asks Congressman to Come ‘Home,’ ” the answer is I have.

In 2011, George Wright, one of the men responsible for my father, Walter Patterson’s, death, was located in Portugal, where Portugal refused to honor a 1906 extradition treaty with the United States.

Congressman Smith has introduced a fugitive extradition bill in Congress which has much support from congressmen of both parties.

In 2012, I testified before the Helsinki Commission in Washington, D.C., of which Congressman Smith was the chairman. I have also met with him and his staff at the Hamilton Township office and visited the Whiting office. Everyone I have met with or spoken to on the phone has been most kind, courteous and helpful at our family’s time of need.

Congressman Smith’s constituents can contact him at 609-585-7878 for the Hamilton Township office or 732-780-3035 for the Freehold Township office.

Ann Patterson Malsbury