Resident wants congressman to live in N.J.

In response to Ellen Harvey’s letter to the editor (“Resident Wants to Hear Congressman’s Views,” Tri-Town News, Feb 16), I would like to point out that the reason Congressman Chris Smith’s office never knows his schedule in the district is that the congressman does not live here.

Congressman Smith resides in Virginia and rarely appears anywhere in New Jersey. His only connection to this state is that the voters of New Jersey keep re-electing him and he is currently in his 19th term, having first been elected in 1980.

Where are term limits when you need them? He is clearly the poster boy for “enough is enough.”

It was not intended by our founding fathers that serving in public office would be a career. The New Jersey electorate needs to wake up and stop pulling the Chris Smith voting booth lever because his name is familiar. Let’s have a congressman who actually lives here.

Robert Brooks