Jason Towlen

Hospital pledges fair treatment for all

The bylaws of the medical staff of Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH) in New Brunswick state that all patients will be treated “without regard to age, race, creed, sex, color, religion, national origin, affectional or sexual preference, disability, ancestry, marital status, familial status, nationality or the ability to pay.”  The same oath of diversity applies to those physicians, dentists and Allied Health Providers, who belong to the staff and work at our hospital. These 2,000 health providers represent every major religion and faith, every race and dozens of nations.

It is the role of health providers not only to mend the body, but to soothe the soul. As such, we guide our patients through the hardest of times when they are overwhelmed with fear. It is our calling to urge and teach calm in order that rational and compassionate decisions can be made and every patient, every family, and communities themselves have the opportunity to heal.

There is a growing level of anxiety which is affecting the members of our medical staff, patients under our care and the communities we serve.  Physicians, who heal the sick, wonder about the safety of their children.  Children of doctors worry whether their parents are in danger.

As healers we know that fear can drive us to survive. Fear can give us the energy and strength to carry on. However, fear can also hurt us. Fear can poison our community.

The medical staff of RWJUH affirms our commitment to the rights, needs and freedom of every person in our diverse community. This includes not only our patients, but every doctor, nurse, hospital employee and caregiver. We stand against bias, prejudice and bigotry in any form. We will treat any patient and protect them from fear. We will support and keep safe the members of our diverse medical staff. We urge the citizens of our community and nation to remember that all are equal. We must not allow the sickness of fear to destroy the freedom and love of life that we all share.

Dr. James C. Salwitz
President, medical staff
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital
New Brunswick