Eric Sucar

Holmdel’s turf field issue among the items discussed at township meeting


The voices of Holmdel residents were not denied at the Township Committee’s meeting on Feb. 16.

The focus of the meeting and the reaction from the residents occurred during  the action Ordinance 2017-02, repealing another ordinance (2016-13) to authorize the installation of athletic turf fields at Cross Farms Park.

Ordinance 2016-13 was approved Sept. 9, 2016, but after receiving a petition signed by residents against the fields on Sept. 29, the committee was forced to rethink its plan.

Four of the five committeemen voted “yes” on the ordinance repeal with Eric Hinds voting “no.” Each gave statements on where they stood on the issue before voting.

The public was allowed to make comments to the committee regarding the ordinance carried out. There were many in attendance applauding the committee for taking a step back and giving the turf matter a second thought.

Janet Necey felt the first ordinance was voted on too fast and was glad the committee listened to those against the turf fields.

“I do not expect you to stop everything with recreation, but I am glad you slowed down,” Necey said as she addressed the committee.

However, there were others not as happy.

Joe Schmidt, one of many voicing concerns against the appeal, wanted to know if there were other places besides Cross Farms Park the committee is considering for another turf field. Having been to turfs fields outside of Holmdel, Schmidt called that fact alone “an embarrassment.” The committee assured the public they do plan on a recreational area for the children of Holmdel, but where and when are to be determined.

Another ordinance that was tabled was Ordinance 2017-01, authorizing construction of leasehold improvements to provide for a public library at Bell Works, with the county appropriating the sum of $2 million. This matter will be tabled until Feb. 28.

One ordinance was introduced — amending Ordinance 2016-14 “Authorizing Execution of Library Lease.” The public hearing for this ordinance will be held Feb. 28.

Resolutions were passed authorizing the online auction for the disposition of public/impound vehicles; hiring Daisy Agostini and Michael Nolan as part-time dispatchers; releasing maintenance bonds posted for Sherman/Weber Subdivision; and exercising the option to renew the contract with Community Grants and Planning for administrative agent services for affordable housing.

The Committee also approved an ABC license for JAG Holding Company for the 2016-2017 license term and appointed Adam Katchurian to the Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority. The deputy mayor proposed a five-year strategic plan of hiring a group of residents, who have no conflicts of interest, to look at other recreation areas and make recommendations for using the recreational spaces for children’s sports and other activities. The committee agreed as did some residents in attendance.

When the meeting was coming to an end, the Committee then opened the floor to the public asking for any concerns Holmdel residents had. Many voiced their opinion on the third-party proposal asking the committee to be sure there would be no conflicts of interest and that those in the group will put the town and people first. When or if the third party will be formed has yet to be determined.

The next meeting will take place Feb. 28. For more information, visit