Information for Oceanport and Deal residents

Oceanport and Deal parents who have concerns about the development of a preschool child attaining age 3 within the next year; a child between the ages of 3 and 5; or a school age child between the ages of 6-21, should contact The Oceanport/Deal School Child Study Team.

The child can be experiencing physical, sensory, emotional, communication, cognitive or social difficulties. The Oceanport/Deal Districts are responsible to locate, identify and evaluate all children between the ages of 3-21 who may have a disability.

Included in this Child Find are public and nonpublic children who are highly mobile such as migrant and homeless children.

Please contact the Oceanport School District Office of Special Services, Oceanport Public Schools, Department of Special Services, 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, at 732-229-8851, ext. 2213 with your concerns.