COLLEGE CONNECTION: Where in the world are college students heading?

By Susan Alaimo
Study abroad is highly recommended to students at most U.S. colleges as the ideal experience to help them expand their horizons and become more open-minded, educated citizens of our global community. Colleges typically charge students the same fees for international study that they would pay if remaining on their home campus, eliminating financial obstacles for those who want to experience the world., So where are students heading? Of the more than 300,000 students who study abroad for academic credit each year, more than half are choosing a European country. The United Kingdom takes first place each year, with the key attraction being English as the national language. According to the most recent data from the Institute of International Education, Italy, Spain and France take second, third and fourth place, respectively. They are followed by China, the only non-European country in the top five. Rounding out the top twelve countries, in order of popularity, are Germany, Ireland, Costa Rica, Australia, Japan, South Africa and India., While students attending almost any U.S. college have the opportunity to study abroad, it is particulaly encouraged at certain colleges and universities in the area. The University of Delaware, which launched America’s first study abroad program back in 1923, offers students the opportunity to study on any of six continents. (The University does not currently offer a program in Antarctica.), Study abroad is likewise extremely popular at several Pennsylvania colleges and universities. At Dickinson College nearly 70 percent of students, and 40 percent of the faculty, participate in study abroad programs. Its Global Mosaics program allows students to take semester-long courses on campus and then travel abroad to partake in fieldwork or immersion work., At Gettysburg College more than 95 percent of its students participate in one of the Center for Global Education programs, which partners with over 50 countries. At Susquehanna University students are actually required to participate in the Global Opportunities program. They have the option of a short or long semester, and a choice of locations around the world including such natural wonders as the Galapagos Islands and Andes Mountains., Hundreds of thousands of college students each year recognize that the opportunity to become immersed in another culture for months at a time is something that may not happen for them again in their lifetime., Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of SAT Smart in Hillsborough that has offered PSAT, SAT, and ACT preparation courses as well as private tutoring by IVY-League educated instructors for more than 20 years. Visit