Professional production of ‘Nunsense’ planned in Edison

Our Cabaret Productions will present Dan Goggin’s off-Broadway musical comedy “Nunsense” for a limited engagement of two performances at 7 p.m. on March 25 and at 2 p.m. on March 26 at St. Matthew’s Parish Center, 100 Seymore Ave., Edison.

The show is a fundraiser for the Fathers’ Club of St. Mathew’s Parish in Edison.

This event is a collaboration of two “Nunsense” veterans, Rob Misko and John Baldino, who have been involved in productions of the show for over two decades. Baldino produces and Misko directs. No production team outside of New York City has more experience with “Nunsesne” than the creative staff at Our Cabaret Productions based in Carbondale, Pennsylvania. Misko directed the first non-Equity production of “Nunsense” in the United States, and has directed the show and two of its sequels for more than 20 years. He appeared on stage with creator Dan Goggin in the show’s 25th anniversary national tour.

“Nunsense” is the story of the Little Sisters of Hoboken and their fundraiser variety show. The show stars Misko as Reverend Mother and Baldino as Sr. Mary Hubert, a role he has played over 75 times. Completing the cast are Aleni Mackarey as Sr. Mary Leo, Christine McGeachie as Sr. Mary Amnesia, and Amber Kerestes-Blatt as Sr. Mary Robert Anne.

Tickets for the show are $20 in advance, $25 at the door and available at, by calling the 24/7 toll-free box office at 1-800-838-3006, or in person after every weekend Mass at St. Matthew’s. Seating is limited, so advance tickets are highly recommended.

“Nunsense” is produced by Our Cabaret Productions through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc., New York, N.Y.