Ocean County unveils 2017 budget

The Ocean County Board of Freeholders has introduced a 2017 budget that totals $407.92 million.

“The proposed budget is up about 2 percent and falls within the 2 percent state imposed budget cap,” said Freeholder John C. Bartlett Jr., who added that the budget includes “the funds necessary to cover the core services for our residents while decreasing the county property tax rate. This is the best budget we have been able to put together in years.”

A public hearing on and the adoption of the budget is scheduled for April 5 in Toms River.

The county property tax rate under the proposed spending package will be 35.2 cents per $100 of equalized property valuation, according to a press release. A resident with a home assessed at $150,000 will pay $528 in county taxes in 2017. A resident with a home assessed at $300,000 will pay $1,056 in county taxes. A resident with a home assessed at $500,000 will pay $1,760 in county taxes.

Bartlett said the budget includes funds for new positions in the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department and the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office that are needed to implement the state mandated bail reform procedure that calls for a bail hearing within 48 hours of an individual’s arrest, according to the press release.

Bartlett said the county’s surplus in 2017 is $51.7 million. The proposed budget includes $20.2 million as revenue from surplus.

“Under this budget our roads will be maintained, our seniors will be afforded nutritious meals, residents will be assisted during emergencies, our courts will be secure, our emergency response volunteers will be well trained and residents and visitors can enjoy our parks,” Freeholder Joseph H. Vicari said.

“This budget is the work of this board and our county staff, a group of professionals who are also fiscally responsible and provide the best services and programs possible,” he added.