LETTER TO THE EDITOR: What would Lincoln think of Trump?

To the editor:, The oath of office for U.S. president should include part of the Hippocratic Oath: “Noxamvero et maleficium propulsabo” – I will utterly reject harm and mischief., The mayor of Aberdeen, Scotland, said that President Donald Trump couldn’t be elected dogcatcher in the hometown of his mother, where he bungled a proposed golf course (that is often filled with fog), bullied the removal of wind turbines off the coast and insulted numerous officials and citizens. The British parliament debates whether President Trump should be allowed a state visit., Stocks soar with Trump’s promise of deregulation, tax breaks and trade barriers. Corporations will be freer to commit excess, fraud and pollution. Meanwhile, U.S. debt climbs. The world abandons the dollar and the basis of international exchange. Inflation is about to spike and devalue salaries, wages, pensions and bonds. The stock market is fueled by fear and greed, reminiscent of the 1929 crash. Trump, the investor president, has money to burn along with the hard earned savings of Republicans, Democrats and Independents., Police target minorities. Anti-smites brandish swastikas and desecrate Jewish cemeteries. Families are threatened and divided with deportation. The Islamic community is mistrusted and disabused. Syrian and Hispanic immigrants are not welcome. Walls are being erected. Most of Trump’s nominees are inexperienced, incompetent and/or morally bankrupt., Protesters rally in Los Angles, Chicago, New York and throughout the nation. We’re enmeshed in anger, isolation and division. Rather than a country with “liberty and freedom for all,” Trump divides and weakens us. We’re on the cusp of social, political, financial and moral collapse. We need to heal fast and remove Trump and his cronies from office., Trump is the antithesis of Abraham Lincoln, who united America. Unlike George Washington, Trump is rash, erratic and not a leader. Herbert Hoover brought us economic ruin with the Great Depression. Richard Nixon brought disgrace with Watergate. Nixon and Hoover are among the worst presidents, elected with Wall Street and Republican backing. These two now have competition for last place. Never mind greatness, after pain and injustice, I hope America survives. Trump needs mental help, not a cabinet and bully pulpit., Trump lost the popular vote by nearly three million votes but carried the Electoral College. Whatever happened to the Supreme Court principle of “one man, one vote?” States’ rights trumped citizen rights. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, said: “You can fool all of the people some of the time, some people al the time, but you can’t fool all of the people al of the time.”, What would Honest Abe think of Trump’s election, let alone his promise to make American great again? Whoever cast a vote for Donald and why?, Doug Opalski, Plainsboro