Raccoon found on back porch of Monroe residence tests positive for rabies

MONROE – The first rabid animal reported in Middlesex County for the year is also the first rabid animal reported in Monroe.

A raccoon was found deceased on the back porch of a residence in the vicinity of Florence Drive near Holly Road on March 7, according to a statement provided by the Middlesex County Office of Health Services.

The raccoon was sent to the N.J. Department of Health Laboratory for testing. It was reported on March 9 that the animal tested positive for rabies, according to the statement.

There are no known human exposures, but two domestic animals were exposed to the raccoon.

Residents should report wild animals showing signs of unusual behavior to the police department. Additionally, it is recommended that residents avoid contact with wild animals and immediately report any bites from wild or domestic animals to the local health department and consult a physician as soon as possible, according to the statement. Be sure that all family pets are up-to-date on their rabies vaccinations and licenses.