PRINCETON: Council plans public work session to discuss parking issues

By Philip Sean Curran, Staff Writer
Mayor Liz Lempert and the Princeton Council will spend an entire night next week discussing a hot topic in the community: parking., The public work session, scheduled for Monday at 7 p.m. in the Witherspoon Hall municipal building, will cover four topics: metered and non-metered parking, loading zones and permit parking, town engineer Deanna Stockton said this week in previewing the meeting., “Parking is one of those issues where that it has so many facets to it. That’s why we’re having this special meeting, because council’s gone back and forth on some of these issues already,” Mayor Lempert said., The discussion will help lay the groundwork for policy changes that officials might make. For example, Stockton said officials would discuss whether to extend metered parking to parts of town where there are no meters., “The goal will be to give the parking committee and staff some clear direction from council so they don’t go down one path, spend a lot of time and then bring it back to council and then have council say we don’t like that,” Mayor Lempert said. “It’ll be, really, a work session to lay out what the issues are, lay out what some of the options are (and) some of the pros and cons.”, Another topic will be whether to extend the time people can park at the Dinky train station lot, from a maximum of three days to potentially up to seven., “So if we extended to seven days, then it would be the same as Princeton Junction,” Stockton said., “We don’t anticipate any opposition to it, because, right now, we have excess parking capacity” said Council President Jenny Crumiller in calling the idea a “no brainer.”