HOPEWELL TOWNSHIP: Police honored for earning official accreditation

By Frank Mustac, Contributor
Local law enforcement officials, as well as rank and file officers, were recognized for earning accreditation from the state Association of Chiefs of Police., Police Chief Lance Maloney was among about 20 township law enforcement officers in attendance for a ceremony honoring police for their achievement at Monday’s Hopewell Township Committee meeting., To receive accreditation, the police department started a formal process in 2014 to comply with 105 standards set by the Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission, which is part of the police chiefs association., Maloney on Monday said he was happy to say the police department met all the standards, which include how evidence and prisoners are handled, how police officers protect themselves (including rules on the use of force), and how to conduct a high-speed pursuit., “Accreditation results in greater accountability within the agency, reduced risk and liability exposure, stronger defense against civil lawsuits, increased community advocacy, and more confidence in the agency’s ability to operate efficiently and respond to community needs,” according to Chief Maloney., Maloney recognized Sgt. Michael Cseremsak, the police department’s accreditation manager, and all of the department’s officers for their efforts in meeting the standards., The chief also thanked Hopewell Township Mayor Kevin Kuchinski, Deputy Mayor Julie Blake, Township Administrator Paul Pogorzelski, former township police chief Michael Chipowsky, plus current and former Township Committee members., Chief Maloney also expressed gratitude to The Rodgers Group, a consultancy company based in Island Heights hired to assist the Hopewell Township Police Department through the accreditation process., Maloney also thanked and introduced Harry Delgado, accreditation program manager for the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police., “Captain Delgado, thank you for your guidance and fopr being here this evening,” Maloney said., Delgado said Hopewell Township is among just 38 percent of of the state’s more than 500 police departments that are currently accredited., He praised the township police for its outreach to the community., “The engagement of this police department with the public is incredible,” Delgado said., More than 40 residents and businesses in town, he said, expressed their support for local police with letters and emails., During a recent two-day on-site visit to assess the Hopewell Township Police Department, Delgado said that the department met every standard and the assessment team, which is composed of law enforcement practitioners from similar New Jersey law enforcement agencies, could not find a single issue that needed attention.