SOMERSET COUNTY: Prosecutor’s Office to hold self defense classes for high school students

Somerset County Prosecutor Michael H. Robertson and Somerset County Police Academy Director Dr. Richard Celeste, announced that the Somerset County Police Academy will be offering a community program titled “Personal Safety for High School Seniors.” The program will be open to all Somerset County high school seniors., As high school seniors prepare to graduate, many will be leaving home for new and exciting educational opportunities and job opportunities in unfamiliar areas. Some may remain at home in Somerset County taking advantage of the county’s many available resources and opportunities. In preparation for this exciting, post-graduation time, the Academy will be offering this program to prepare graduates for their new adventures, whatever they may be., The three hour program will be conducted once on Tuesday, April 11 and again on Thursday, May 4. Participants need only attend one session, and each session will be limited to 50 participants., The classes will commence at 6 p.m. at the Somerset County Public Safety Center located at 402 Roycefield Road, in Hillsborough Township. Participants should dress in loose, comfortable clothing since the program will be both informative and interactive., Additionally, a writing instrument and notebook, along with and a bottle of water or other favorite hydrating beverage are also strongly recommended., Topics will include victimization, predators, situational awareness, personal safety tips, identifying potential safety issues, dealing with a physical confrontation, being a good witness and basic unarmed defense techniques. It is the intended goal of this program to prepare our graduating seniors with an additional life skill set, namely, the ability to identify potential real world safety concerns and to provide suggestions and training on how to respond to those situations., Each session is free, and participants must pre-register by Friday, April 7, 2017, parents/guardians are also welcome to attend., Individuals may register by visiting the Somerset County Police Academy website at and click on “Community Events.”, Additionally, the Somerset County Association of Chiefs of Police is sponsoring its annual five day Police Youth Week program from July 17-21. This program is free and open to all Somerset County high school students., For receive more information about the Police Youth Week program, please visit clicking on the “Community Events” tab and then clicking on the tab marked “Police Youth Week.”, For more information about these programs, please contact Detective Brian Giannini, Somerset County Police Academy at 908-541-5038 or [email protected], The Police Academy is operated by the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office in cooperation with the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office and the Somerset County Association of Chiefs of Police., Somerset County residents are encouraged to visit the Somerset County Police Academy on Facebook page to get updates on law enforcement opportunities, safety tips as well as other community educational opportunities.