17th Congressional District: Recent letter ignores the facts

To the editor:, Lisa Winkler’s recent letter to the editor (“Lance misses the mark with ‘professional protesters’ claim”) ignores the facts., A Feb. 17 McClatchy news article reported that Priorities USA, a Democratic Super PAC that backed Hillary Clinton for President, launched a paid campaign against Leonard Lance., Under the headline, “Dems launch ads aimed at driving protestors to Republican events,” the article points out that the organization is, “pairing its effort with a progressive advocacy group Indivisible, a group created by Democratic former congressional aides who developed a widely read manual among liberals of how to protest Republican town halls.”, Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article133347844.html#storylink=cpy, Why would a partisan national Democratic political organization pay to drive protestors to Leonard Lance’s town hall meetings?, Good government? Hardly., PrioritiesUSA is a purely partisan Super PAC that spends millions of dollars against Republicans for partisan purposes. We make no apologies for fighting against Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC and other liberal groups that are spending money in a campaign to unseat Leonard Lance., Leonard Lance has consistently and continually said that those constituents who RSVP’d for his town hall meetings were not paid to attend. But it is indisputable that partisan organizations are spending money in an attempt to gum up the wheels of democracy for solely for partisan purposes., Jim Hilk, Campaign Manager, Lance for Congress