East Windsor hands out business awards

By Michael V. Crismali, Correspondent
Each year, East Windsor Township seeks to recognize outstanding businesses in the area. Nominations are submitted by East Windsor residents, and all nominations are reviewed by a committee and a final winner for each category is determined. There are three categories for which winners are chosen., The first is beautification, whereby a business is recognized for making the township more aesthetically pleasing by virtue of how it present its business by producing an attractive facade through landscaping or some other way improving the overall appearance of East Windsor., Another category is contribution, where a business is recognized for time or financial support given to other organizations within the community. The third category is for overall community enhancement., This year’s recipient for beautification is the newly built “Galleria at Twin Rivers,” owned by Tobia Daniello. This new facility is on Route 33, and bordered by Twin Rivers Drive and Abbington Drive., East Windsor Mayor Janice Mironov said that one of the things that makes this building so unique is the fact that it is visible from all sides, as opposed to the typical scenario where the rear of a building is hidden and used for placing of trash receptacles, or other purposes where it would be advantageous to be out of the view of the public. The center is approximately 25,000 square feet, well-landscaped, and is responsible for bringing nine new businesses to the community thus far., Recipient of the award for contribution is Triangle Copy of East Windsor, owned by Mike Coccliollo. Mayor Mironov explained that in this category, there were a number of nominations made, but one nomination in particular for Triangle, which was accompanied with a three-page letter, was very and heartfelt describing how grateful they were to have had dealings with Triangle and all that the business has done for the community. Another interesting note is that Triangle was recognized with this same award in 2006, and since East Windsor has a policy that upon winning such an award, you must wait 10 years before being eligible again, that on Triangle’s first year back on the eligible list, it again won the award., The third category for recognition of special community enhancement went to Centrastate Health Pavilion Associates and Immediate Care medical walk-in of East Windsor. The immediate care facility is a 4,000-square-foot facility which houses on site physicians, and represents a service that East Windsor township has not had in several years., Mayor Mironov stressed the importance of having such a facility for people with non-life threatening injuries to be able to go to locally. The facility has filled an important need, and is a valuable working relationship with a regional hospital such as Centrastate according to the mayor., The award was accepted by John Gribbin, CEO of Centrastate, and Sal Cannizzaro, CEO of Immediate Care in East Windsor.