HILLSBOROUGH: AHCA – A Step in the Right Direction 

To the editor:, One of President Trump’s key campaign promises was to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature healthcare legislation know as the Affordable Healthcare Act. The Affordable Care Act has caused many individuals to lose their health insurance coverage, to lose their doctors, and in some instances to lose their business. The individual mandate forces you to buy insurance you do not want. Even with health insurance, some people are unable to use it since the deductible is in the thousands of dollars., The Affordable Care Act is expected to cost over $1.2 trillion dollars from 2016 to 2025. While not perfect, the American Health Care Act will address many of the Affordable Care Act’s flaws. First, it will repeal the mandate that forces an individual to purchase health insurance. People will also have more freedom in choosing and using the health insurance they want. Another key aspect of the this bill is the repeal of the Obamacare taxes. By repealing the Obamacare taxes, $883 billion dollars will stay in the pockets of hardworking individuals., The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicts that the AHCA will save the federal government $337 billion dollars over the next ten years. Considering the fact that the federal debt is approaching $20 trillion dollars, it is critical that government reassess its spending. That’s not to say that the government can’t provide for those who truly need it. The AHCA provides refundable tax credits to people who can’t afford health care. The AHCA also allows young people to stay on their parents’ health plan up to the age of 26. Obamacare is imploding. Premiums are increasing drastically and the health insurance companies are dropping coverage. The American Health Care Act will hopefully fix a failing health insurance system in America., Thomas Vlattas, Hillsborough