HILLSBOROUGH: Trumpcare, “alternative facts” cause problems for Americans

To the editor:, Donald Trump ignited support throughout the country. Much of his popularity came from not being afraid to ‘tell it how it is’ or be ‘politically incorrect’ when need be. As an outsider in politics, he ran his campaign on promises to ‘drain the swamp’ in Washington and truly being a president for the people. Much of his popularity stemmed from rhetoric and preying on the fears of American citizens., Now that the campaign is over and Donald Trump’s campaign promises are coming back to haunt him. For example, Mr. Trump promised to bring Health Care premiums down. He ran on a repeal and replace Obamacare platform and promised not to leave Americans in need of healthcare. Paul Ryan, the speaker of the house, introduced his healthcare bill to the House which is being voted on Thursday, March 23. Donald Trump has supported the plan and adopted it into his healthcare reform., However, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office predicted that the current plan is projected to take away health insurance from roughly 24 million Americans by 2026. In addition, contrary to Donald Trump’s promises, the plan will raise premiums for older Americans by more than 10 times as much., It is true that Mr. Trump’s plan will lower premiums for some Americans, but only the young and healthy ones. This plan will be detrimental to so many Americans. Donald Trump is trying to promote support for the bill by distracting the country and further diminishing Obamacare. For example, Trump has been making claims that 44th President of the United States, President Barack Obama purposely planned his healthcare program to fail in 2017 once his presidency is over. Claims like this made by the current president have the intent of distracting the public from important issues., These “alternative facts,” as Kellyanne Conway once said in an interview, are drifting farther and farther from reality and endangering the country as a whole. It is important for media sources to call out lies as what they are and prevent these falsehoods from poisoning the ears of Americans., Shanna Gryder, Hillsborough