COLLEGE CONNECTION: April 1 is deadline date for college acceptances

By Susan Alaimo
April 1 is a special day for college bound students. It’s the deadline day for most colleges to let students know whether or not they’ve been accepted. Now the ball is in the student’s court! Many students find themselves with a pile of acceptance letters (or emails). How should students make this pivotal decision?, First of all, remember the purpose of college. It’s certainly intended to make students more educated, in general, and more aware of the world and the issues surrounding them. But, more pragmatically, most students attend college with the goal of preparing for a career that will support them for the rest of their lives. So the best choice college is often the one with the strongest program in a student’s intended field of study. A little research will reveal the mid-career salary of alumni from all of the colleges under consideration, as well as the acceptance rate at medical and dental schools, law schools and graduate programs., Finances also come into play in the decision of most students. But students should realize that the financial aid “package” offered by any particular college can often be negotiated. If a student’s dream college offers less money than another to which the student has been accepted, there’s no harm in contacting the admissions office at the preferred college and requesting that the grant money (the “scholarship” portion that does not get paid back) be reconsidered. Let the number one college know of the other, better offers., Students typically do not have to make the big decision until May 1 st. So they should take advantage of the “Accepted Students Day” offered by all of the colleges they are considering. This is the perfect time for students to get another feel for each college, ask any questions that are still on their minds, and consider all aspects of each school, including the food, dorms, activities, campus and surrounding community., Usually, after doing their research and visiting each campus, students have a good sense for which college is the “right fit” for the exciting years that lie ahead., Susan Alaimo is the founder and director of SAT Smart in Hillsborough that has been offering PSAT, SAT, and ACT preparation courses, as well as private tutoring by IVY-League educated instructors, for more than 20 years. Visit